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Pert the Retard!
- Pertie
- NYNY Citylink

- Sailing
- Sun, sand, sea
- Jet-skiing
- Music
- Family and Friends
- My job!!!


- Learn to play the drums
- Buy my own car
- Get my own condo
- Get rich!!!
- Be leading a comfortable lifestyle


Kai Jun


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Glynis for helping with the codes. <3

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hey hey... Today is the first day Centrepoint NYNY opened... It's been a long day for me... So tired... But yet so awake... Too much revitalisers... Lol...

Woke up 6.30 am this morning and headed down to Centrepoint by 8 am... My God... It's been years since i last stepped out of the house so early in the morning and breathed the morning air... Smell the morning dew... It sure brings back memories of my secondary school days... The feeling is very special... Had a cup of cappucino at bout 9 plus in the morning... It lasted me till bout 3 in the afternoon... Den i started feeling a little weary... So i popped by the 7-11 next door (so convenient) to get a can of red bull...

Was buzzing around till 7.30 and i left Centrepoint for Citylink... Cos today is the second day of IT fair... Reached Citylink at 7.45 and worked my ass off... Had a minor little accident which caused a tiny little hole on my right index finger... While the little hole on my right middle finger is still recovering... Lol... By the way... these holes are evidence of a cashier under pressure... Where u try to spike papers fast and accurate and u end up spiking your own fingers... It's true when they say the money u earn is SWEAT and BLOOD... Yup... Finished really late at Citylink today... Eric, Clement and myself left the restaurant only at 11.55 pm... P.S: We were already rushing through closing...

Den Clement and I headed back down to Centrepoint via bus... Cos no more last train... Had to walk through the open air carpark opposite Cine... And do u guys know what is that carpark famous for? Yes... U got it right... The endless bombing of bird shit from the trees above... Not sparing any belongings of the human race... And u probably already guessed it right... The very moment i stepped under a tree... I heard a "vooop" and den a soft "thud" on my collar... Yes... That was how close to my ear the stupid bird aimed... Why did it have gotta be me? Like my day wasn't bad enough? Why didn't it hit Clement instead? Grrr... That bugger had a good time laughing at me... Yup... Feeling so sweaty and hot... I felt like i hadn't bathed for the past ten days... The feeling u get when in OBS camp... Sucks man... The moment I reached Centrepoint... I gave my hands and face a wash and sprayed my CK One and i felt so refreshed after dat... So i stayed around till closing of Centrepoint... Which was at 2 am... Took the company transport home... It travelled from Centrepoint to Jurong... Den to Bukit Panjang... Den lastly to Woodlands... Reached home at 3.15 am... Showered and here i am blogging...

Tmr I gotta wake up at 8.30 and be down at Centrepoint by 10... It's gonna be another long day for me... Now dat my hair is nearly dry and my eyes are nearly tired... I think i should end here... Turn off the comp and go to sleep... :)

Cheers :)

xo/- 3:43 AM
Pertie :)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm back again... Been so tired out dat i haven had the energy to log on the comp... Come in and THINK of what to write... Well... Today is my daddy's birthday... My daddy and mummy are still sleeping and i start work only at 6... Had enough rest and so i am blogging again... Ok... Let's see what i have to update...

First and foremost... Yes... I got promoted to Asst Manager... Ok... Dat's stale news... Lol... But yeah... My hardwork and all those sacrifices paid off... And thanks to all the good friends i have in NYNY who had been giving me their support all this while... I love you guys...

Ok... Now the recent thing dat happened dat made me quite upset...

Eric Ng left us... I feel bad... Cos i feel like i made him lose his job... And i noe a few pple in NYNY feel dat i forced him to leave and i noe they are quite unhappy with me over that... They feel dat i'm being too harsh... But I dun think there's a need to explain things to them...

Eric had always been a problem to us... He's slow in his learning... He has attitude problem... Always shouting at his managers... Always arguing... And worse... He's always picking fight with the staff of NYNY... Kevin had put me in charge of him to look after him and guide him... Dat's why i had always been the one scolding him... Lecturing him etc... But do other pple noe? No... No one at all knows how difficult it is for me to handle him... Pple only see things on the surface... Dat i bully him... Dat i'm always picking on him...

Does anyone noe dat it is very difficult for Eric to find a job outside? Me being harsh on him is to help him learn... It really is very draining to look after him... Dat day again he kicked Jorge in the ass... I cant let him go ard kicking pple and hurting all my other staff just becos he is not as normal as the rest right?

So i went to tell kevin dat i am tired of looking after him and i wish to wash my hands off him... Cos everytime i tell him where he's wrong he'll go tell everyone i'm unreasonable and i scold him... I really am very tired of all these nonsense... But nvr did i expect that if i dun take him in my hands no one else will... And when i told kevin i dun wish to do so anymore... It cost him his job... I think i had already been very patient with him and i had nvr tolerated a person for this long... Sigh... Some pple think I'm happy to have forced him out of the company... They dunno how i feel... Sigh... They can nvr understand what i've been through and how i really feel when all these happened... sigh...

Anyway... It's all over and life still goes on... I'm just thankful dat i still have my very dearest dear with me... Thanks dear... I think u're the only one who still visits my blog though i haven been updating... lol... Thanks for being there all this while... Love ya...

xo/- 10:48 AM
Pertie :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hey hey!!! I'm back to blog today... I had an exciting day at work... Lol...

Started work at 1 pm today... Everything was its usual self... Nothing special to start with... Den I went for my break at bout 3.50pm... Was quite sian of the food so Pei Boon and I decided to buy food from our very own restaurant for our lunch... What a waste of money... I always regret spending after eating at NYNY... Ok... Dat's besides the point... Anyway... We bough one seafood platter for 2... One Spaghetti Alio Olio... One potato salad and we had a portion of onion rings for free due to the DBS promotion... Right... It was enough to kill the both of us cos we stubbornly went to eat rice before our food came... Too hungry... Lol...

Anyway... Remember my drink creation? The jealous pink panther and the jealous pink panther float? As promised in that entry... Here are the picture of the drinks...

Jealous Pink Panther

Jealous Pink Panther Float

The colour is nice right? It tastes as good as it looks... Trust me man...

Ok... I also had this particular table of 4 customers who were pretty amused by me and my nonsense... We clicked pretty well... Somewhere throughout our conversation... One of the guy was known to me as "the cheesy guy"... He wanted candy floss and so Pei Boon and I made a snowman candy floss for him with the words "cheesy guy" on the plate... They were so impressed they kept taking photos of it... Here it is...

Cheesy Guy's Snowman

Den things went pretty monotonous till evening time... I was in the dessert bar as usual... Den as i've always been complaining... The dessert bar is getting too small to handle the new desserts... So I was trying very hard to squeeze all my stuff on dat tiny table and so I acted smart and stacked my orange sauce on top of my vanilla sauce and placed it in front of the hot plate... As i was wearing rubber gloves... Naturally my fingers metamorphed into butter fingers... I grabbed the orange sauce and guess wat? It slipped and dropped... Quite a bit of the orange sauce spilt onto the hot plate and it was sizzling and smoking... You should have seen AJ's face, as well as some of the customers' faces... I bet they thought for one moment NYNY was on fire!!! Lol... Btw... I think you should have seen my face too... I dunno wat i looked like but I think it should have been comical too... Den started to panick as orders are still coming in... No choice... Pulled my bestest partner in crime, Pei Boon, to assist me and my horrendous criminal acts... Den she put the clean cloth on the latch to prevent it from getting dirty... As i said... I was panicking... I used the cloth to dry one of the plates and in my anxiety... I threw the cloth over the latch instead of on the latch... It landed on the walkway of Citylink Mall... I had to run out to retrieve it... Can u imagine my embarassment? Gosh... What a day I had... But at least it was sth we can all sit down one day... Think back and laugh bout it...

Guess i'll stop here... My mum's complaining bout PUB and stuff again...


xo/- 2:19 AM
Pertie :)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

::Cherish This Love::

Sorry for making you cry
For turning away
As you walk on by
But baby I need to be strong
And I need to move on with my life
You know it's not that I don't care
So don't make me feel bad
It's not fair
Baby you know all the reasons I made my decisions in life

Now a girl's gotta do
What a girl's gotta do
And a boy had to become a man
And I'm sorry for saying
But it's love that I need
And that love I just can't get from you

It's funny how things turn around
One day I am lost
Then I'm found
It happened so fast I knew it would last
From the first time I first looked in your eyes
Although it's so soon this I know
I'll never be on my own
Dreams turn to tears
She buries my fears
And I will cherish this love ever more

You know it's not easy to do
Turning my back on me and you
But baby I need someone there
Who will love me and care for my life
Smiles they turned into tears
And all of my dreams
They all disappeared
Baby this cannot be right
So I'll turn down the light
On our love

Now a boy's gotta do
What a boy's gotta do
And a girl had to do what she can
And I'm sorry for saying
But it's love that I need
And that love I just can't get from you


And everything that could gone wrong
Has gone wrong at some time
Now I can see the light
It was love at first sight
And I'm not gonna let this girl go

Yes I Will
With you

xo/- 1:14 PM
Pertie :)


I'm back once again... Been too tired to blog for the past i dunno how long... Today i'm starting work at 5... So that gives me sufficient time to do wat i want and get enough rest...

Ok... It's been a tiring week at work... We launched our new menu on the 29th April... And we've been busy since den.. We've got 6 new desserts... They are our Maui Pineapple crepe, Big Apple crepe, Florida Orange crepe, Waffles with Peach and ice-cream, Lake Chocolate and Green Apple/Peach Jello Glacier.

Though it's not a lot of new desserts... It's a lot of work... Aiyah... In short... We just had a rough week... Everyone's tired and everyone's falling sick... Even our IRON MAN kevin is sick!!! Anyway... We've survived through a public holiday eve, a public holiday and our first weekend... Good job done everyone... :)

Throughout the week... The dessert bar came up with more masterpieces... Note: "the dessert bar" does not include Len... ok... she's been a lot nicer recently... But... after much consideration... it still does not include her... Muahahaha... Here are the pictures of our masterpieces...

2D Snowman Candy Floss Cake

The head and body of the snowman is made out of candy floss... The eyes are made of a cherry cut into 2 for each eye... The same goes for the buttons... The hands are actually waffle sticks... They were not long enough so Pei Boon came up with the idea of sticking chopsticks through them... It's nose is a candle... However, for future snowman, chocolate buttons will be used instead of cherries... COS MY BOSS COMPLAIN CHERRY EXPENSIVE!!!

Cake Platter

This is Pei Boon's idea and the name was given by me... We sell Seafood platter and Meat platter... In both dishes... We serve all kind of Seafood/Meat in a gigantic plate... Like the one you see in the picture... So since this particular customer ordered one cake of each type available... We named it Cake Platter... It even includes a 3D candy floss cake in the middle... Beautiful ain't it?

I believe in days to come... We'll make dessert bar a damn fun place with all kind of funny creation... However... Pei Boon may be leaving us soon... Well... I guess the next person who will replace her will have to continue what we're doing... :)

Cheers to NYNY dessert bar!!!

xo/- 12:39 PM
Pertie :)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

I'm blogging today instead of yesterday cos last night I was reading a book and was so engrossed in it dat i din feel like leaving the book to go online...

*ah chee* *ah chee*

Gosh... I wonder if there's someone missing me or scolding me... I suspect someone is scolding me and i think it's Len and AJ... Haha...

Anyway... Yup... Yesterday was an ok day at work... Had a busy evening... (Thanks to our dearest Per Boon... Thanks fro the great suggestion u gave the customer which kept me busy the entire evening... Haha...)

When the crowd sorta died down... Zhang Yan made an extra BLOODY MARY by accident... Tot I'll give it a try to see it tastes like... So i took a small sip... Eeeewwwwww!!! My face was like scrunged up and my legs went so damn weak... Now i know wat kevin meant when he said it has an acquired taste and not many pple will like it... Thank god i belong to the majority...

Zhang Yan and I decided to play a little trick on Jason... We transfered the remaining of the Bloody Mary into a beer mug and stir it up a little so there'll be a higher chance dat he might not recognise the drink... I den called him out... With the excuse that i made a new drink and i wish for him to try it out... Just before he drank it... I told him he gotta take a huge gulp and it'll taste nicer...

He took a relatively big sip and his eyes grew big... Pointed his third finger at me... And ran to the bin to spit it out... Zhang Yan and I were practically rolling with laughter... You really should have seen his face and expression at dat very point of time... Haha...

Anyway... I'm gonna stop here... chill and relax at home before I start work at 5pm later... :)


xo/- 12:48 PM
Pertie :)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hey hey... I'm back again after not blogging for a few days... Been pretty tired and so haven been blogging much...

Anyway... I went to Suntec on Tuesday during my split break with Jason to collect my certificate of proficiency in foreign domestic worker insurance and we saw a roadshow for cars!!! Check this out.... (the car, not the "model" who is jason...)

Wednesday was my off day... Wanted to go ice-skating but in the end din cos kena fly kite by some assholes... So Max ah bang, Jason and myself went to Jurong entertainment centre and played pool... den went to the freaking lousy arcade with a freaking kuai lan counter staff... after which we went to macs to buy ice-cream... Jason din want... He only wanted to smoke... Haha... Den ah bang also smoke with him and eat ice-cream at the same time... I dun like to smoke while eating so i finished my ice-cream den smoke... Halfway when i was smoking... They lit another cig... I threw my cig butt into the flowerbed beside us... When they finished smoking... Ah bang threw his onto the floor and Jason threw his into the flowerbed too... Suddenly 3 Indian guys walked up to us and asked us if we are Singaporeans... Den they told us they're from NEA... That's when i tot... Dat's it... There goes my next month's pay... Den they asked for Jason's ID... Followed by Ah Bang's... I was not fined... Haha... That's when i realised they must have been caught during the second time they threw it... You should have seen Jason's face... Here's one photo... Haha...

Thursday...Back to work... Chiller damn messy... But well... Shall not mention the upsetting stuff... I decorated my choc heart again... Kevin said this time even nicer... Here's a photo of it...

Den i stupidly destroyed one side of the cake on Friday morning during opening... So i had to savage the cake and this is what it looks like now... Haha...

It got a bit boring in the afternoon... Den we started horse playing ard... This pic shows Jason trying to kill me with a SCREWDRIVER... Lol...

Den... (Proudly) I created a very simple but pretty nice drink... Though not perfected yet... Mr Eric Toh named it for me... JEALOUS PINK PANTHER!!! Haha... Isn't the name cute? It's called jealous pink panther cos it's pinkish in colour and it's sour... Den I came up with aonther... Called the Jealous Pink Panther Float... This one tastes better... Haven got a nicely presented one... So din take a photo of it... Will do so when i have the chance to... Den in the evening I made a double candy floss heart instead of the usual candy floss heart... Kevin said it was good and guess wat was Len's reaction? You got it!!! ROLL HER EYES OF COS!!! Here's a pic of it... May not be very clear... Will take another one if i do it again... Heh...

Ok... Gotta get ready for work again... More updates will come... Stay tuned... :)


xo/- 12:52 PM
Pertie :)

Friday, April 25, 2008


I'm fucking pissed with my mum, AJ and Len!!!!!

Dun feel like blogging today....

Not in the mood...


xo/- 1:03 AM
Pertie :)

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